Saturday, October 1, 2016


The internet here is awful, so I’m going to do my best to even make a post.
Tonight we stay at the foot of Mt. Olympus. No, not the Wisconsin Dells water/theme park, but the home of the gods. I got a picture of the mountain to upload and one of the view from our hotel, but now no more pictures are loading. You won’t be cheated though. I plan to upload them all once I get back to reliable internet.

Our adventure today started in Philippi, an ancient city; then we moved onto Kavala, where we visited a museum; next we stopped very briefly in Pydna, a Neolithic site; and finally we ended in Litochoro.

For our last night of the field trip, our leader had us all eat together, and he paid. He ordered a bunch of appetizers, then I asked for meat, so he ordered plates filled with meat. It was so good. I feel like I haven’t had meat in two weeks. Then he ordered little ice creams for dessert. A few people didn’t want theirs, so I got three! On our way back, we saw these dogs hanging out.

I had a dream in Greek last night. I have a very limited vocabulary, so there wasn’t too much conversation, but what there was happened in Greek. I thought that was pretty neat. The premise however was not – I pushed a lady into water at a museum for some reason then the guards were chasing me.
On our way here tonight, we drove under a bridge that had a shepherd leading his flock of sheep across it. I couldn’t get a picture, it all happened too quickly.
Most of the time when we go to sites, it is only our group there, so it’s quiet and we can look at whatever we want. We went to Philippi, which is a very large site and also apparently very popular. I find myself disliking the tourists, then I remember I am one too. I don’t like to share I guess.
I have also discovered that 98% of the bathrooms we use at sites and in museums don’t have paper towels. There is usually a paper towel holder, but it’s empty. Sometimes there is a hand dryer, but usually you end up using your shirt.

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