Saturday, October 8, 2016

(New) Pleuron

So there was this ancient city Pleuron that was destroyed and then another ancient city was built near it thus is named New Pleuron. Inside the city walls are remnants of a theater, agora, stoa, cistern(stores water), and houses. Bob really enjoyed this site. I liked the theater of course. I thought the ruins were pretty significant compared to many of the ankle high ones we find.
Also take note of the clouds in these pictures; they look so surreal.
Warning: there are a lot of pictures to follow.

the gate to the city

stairs leading to the tower

wall of the city

view of the walls from inside


from the top of the theater looking down

from the seats of the theater

Outside the city walls

outside the city walls

inside the cistern (I think)

the cistern; I didn't know what a cistern was until this. It stored the water. You can see the triangle shaped holes in the middle of the walls which help regulate the water levels between the different compartments.

line of the city wall

the theater

theater again

aerial view of the theater and a reconstruction drawing of what it would have looked like

view from up top; notice the roads on the water for fish farming

Bob leaves for the second trip tomorrow at 6:58am. I will be skipping this trip and hitting up the next one.
On my to do list while he's gone: find soft serve ice cream, find more delicious ice cream, work on a report for the 3rd trip, enjoy my summer break

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