Sunday, October 2, 2016

Tonight we sleep in Athens

Fourteen days and over 2000 kilometers later, we are back in Athens. As we were approaching our drop off point, our leader read back to us all the places we had been over the fortnight, and it took several minutes. It was crazy to think of all the places we have been. I plan to post about each one in time, don't worry.

Since the hotel internet was not cooperative last night, I have a few pictures from Hotel Archontiko to share.
view from hotel balcony

we had a long hallway in our room

one bed!

we did not like this shower/tub; it's hard to tell in the picture, but it was tiny and sloped down like you were supposed to sit it in, and there wasn't really room to stand

I also wanted to share some pictures of Kavala from yesterday because it was very pretty.
carnival stuff must be a thing around here

I think if you can call from this phone to get a baby delivered to you

beautiful Kavala
Our trip today consisted of an archeological site and museum in Dion, a museum at Larissa, and the site of Thermopylae (where the famous battle of Spartans vs Persians made into the movie 300 is set). We had a long bus day today as we had to drive pretty far across Greece to get back home, but the site at Dion was pretty neat, and I got some interesting pictures of finds from the museum in Larissa.

Tomorrow I plan to start posts from the museums and sites, so if you've been wanting more history and less hotels, stay tuned.

My tidbit for the day:
The United States uses the Customary units while almost everyone else uses the Metric units of measure. This difference throws me off every time. What do you think of when you hear "did you get a kilo?" I'll tell you what, I definitely don't think of the kilogram of carrots from the local market that was just purchased. I hear someone talk about a kilo and I immediately think "oh no, these people have drugs." Hopefully, this will pass in time.

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