Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Nikopolis Museum and Basilica Complex

Nikopolis, meaning the city of victory, was a city in Western Greece founded by Octavian after he defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium. At some point in time Christians came in and built Basilicas, which contained a lot of mosaics.

this was the old roadway
My favorite part of the site was the Nymphaeum or what was a fountain.

There is a mosaic of a Nereid riding a sea monster in the large niche of the fountain. I tried to zoom in on it here.
Speaking of mosaics....
a mosaic on the floor of one of the basilicas

A zoom in of the edge shows a magikarp.
A few of the finds from the site located at the museum.
This was a statue base from the city when it was built re-purposed by the Christians into a mosaic.

Here the magikarp has evolved into the gyarados. You can see what the full decoration would have been on the sarcophagus image above the excavated piece.

more of a sarcophagus

these are the offerings buried with one of the dead

coinage found at the site
I'm very much kidding with the Pokemon references above. Also I did catch a Mr. Mime.

A commentary on Athens weather:
Today for the first time the temperature was below 70 degrees. I put on jeans and a zip up to go outside since the sun wasn't out. I still got sweaty, and regretted the zip up. I did observe several people here in winter coats with winter hats and scarves on. I have a feeling I'm going to look quite silly not being as bundled up as everyone else. Although we are back to high 70's for the next several days. I'm super jealous of everyone experiencing the cool, fall weather back in the states, although I won't be jealous when our winter weather here is the 40's.

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