Thursday, October 27, 2016

(Modern) Olympia

We arrived in Olympia yesterday, but we didn't view the sites until today. I will post photos from the town as it is now for this post and the ancient things in a later post. We started off with the archeological site of Olympia where the stadium for the athletics was held from which we now have the name Olympics. Then we went to the Museum of Ancient Olympic Games, the Archimedes Museum, and finally the Archeological Museum of Olympia. I took over 160 pictures today, which might be a record. I usually only take 3-8 in a given museum, but it was quite interesting for me today. We couldn't take pictures in the Archimedes Museum, but it was filled with inventions from Archimedes and may have been geared more toward young children, but it was entertaining.
We are staying at a hotel called Hotel Neda for a second night tonight. It is nothing special. I don't know why, but I always take a picture of the bed/beds and the bathroom and that's it.

It has also been raining all day. I took a couple pictures of the town, but it's all wet.

Finally, if you were all jazzed up about the ancient Olympia museum finds, I'll give you a sneak peek.
This is me in my raincoat with the marble Torso of the emperor Augustus. I am purely used for scale in this photo and am not dishonoring the statue with a selfie, but I can't help but smile.

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