Thursday, October 6, 2016

Kalydon: Heroon and the Temple of Artemis

Located in ancient Kalydon are a Heroon with a tomb, a theater, a temple to Artemis, and a temple to Apollo. This was the first ancient theater I got to see, and I have enjoyed seeing them all since. It amazed me how large they are, and as the trip went on I kept seeing bigger and bigger ones. There is something fascinating about sitting on a stone in one of these theaters and thinking millenniums ago someone sat here to watch a show.

The tomb underneath the Heroon was not lit, so we had to use flashlights. Thus it was difficult to get a proper picture.

There wasn't much left of the temples. If you go way back to one of my first posts about the temple of Hephaestus by the Agora, you'll see what a temple is supposed to look like, and you'll also understand why it is one of the best preserved in mainland Greece.

I decided to hike up Mt. Lycabettus also known as Lycabettos, Lykabettos or Lykavittos again today, so I snapped a few pictures to share.

I also noticed several rooftop pools.
And I hiked over to the modern theater which is no longer in use. I snapped this pic between the bars. There is circled sharp wire at the top of the gate too. I guess they don't want anyone sneaking in for private shows. I think it would be awesome to see something there.

Bob and I exercised with weights today. There is a little weight lot for our use here, but it's pretty rusty/dirty due to being outside all year round. I'll try to get a picture of this at some point.
For those wondering if I've caught a Mr. Mime yet, the answer is no.
Finally, for those looking for an update on Ajax, he is still sassy as ever.
front right leg is wrapped; photo and care taking cred to Dana

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