Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dimitsana Arkadias

The first night of our field trip in the Deep Peloponnese lands us in Dimitsana. This is a very mountainous area. I felt pretty sick for most of the bus ride today due to up and down and round and round of the mountains. We left at 7am from Athens this morning and had our first pit stop about an hour and a half in at the Isthmus Canal over which a bridge connects Athens with the Peloponnese. This wasn't a scheduled site, so I didn't take my camera, but it was a huge canal. This picture from touristorama does a nice job.

After that we went to our first site which was the Kalavryta Memorial and Holocaust Museum. This is where I gave my report. I will provide more information on this at a later time. Then we when to Lousoi where we saw remains of a house and a Temple of Artemis. Our last stop was at Cave of the Lakes. We were not allowed to take pictures in the cave, which was a shame because it was really neat. It was a 2 kilometer long cave of which we explored the first 500 meters because they have a foot path through it. There were live bats flying around in it, and the temperature was about 15 degrees Celsius or 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you're super interested, there are a couple pictures here: http://www.visitgreece.gr/en/nature/caves/cave_of_the_lakes

Finally, we ended up at Hotel Tefthis in Dimitsana. We went out for dinner and ate rooster and sagonaki, but I forgot to take a picture.
View from hotel balcony

the yellow building is the hotel

the town in the hill

view from hotel

view from hotel balcony

the town

the town
view from hotel balcony

1 comment:

  1. Yasuo Melissa and Bob
    We have the entire Banakis family reading your blog and sharing in your adventures. Really enjoy the food reviews Thanks for including us...Take Care
