Thursday, October 20, 2016

Actium Memorial and Stadium

This monument is Augustus' Victory Monument which was built to commemorate the victory over Antony and Cleopatra in the Actium battle of 31 BCE. The first picture shows a drawing of a reconstruction, and then after that you can see what's left. This was a huge monument, but not much remains.

this picture refused to rotate for me, so sorry it's sideways

The Actium Stadium was a place for athletics, mostly running races. It held 10,000 spectators. We didn't spend long here, just enough time for our leader to conduct a race. Bob participated; I did not.

the race
this spiky plant got me in the back of the leg and I had a little itchy patch for a couple days
Bob got back last night from trip 2. We are now both working on our reports for trip 3, which we leave for on Tuesday.
I've recently been noticing a lot of dogs in businesses here. Not the stray dogs we see all the time, but dogs with their owners. I even saw a sign saying a business was dog friendly, which I thought was pretty neat. Tonight while making a visit to a grocery store, I witnessed a lady with her dog stop at the entrance doors and a cashier went over to her, asked her what she wanted, got it, rung it up, and gave it to her while she stood outside with her dog. I thought that was pretty neat too.

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