Friday, October 7, 2016

Flu Shot aka Flu Vaccine

Two days ago I was worrying about not being able to have the flu shot like I've been doing in America for the past 7 years. Then yesterday over lunch a lady said she had just gotten hers. Naturally, I asked several questions, and today I went out to get the shot.
I realize this is a super random blog topic, but I wanted to compare getting a flu shot in Greece vs America.

This has been my American flu shot experience.
Scenario 1: Go to a pharmacy located in Walgreens or Hyvee and ask for the flu shot. Fill out paperwork, show my ID, give my insurance card, answer some questions, be provided with papers containing information about the shot, and then wait 15 minutes for someone to get the vaccine and give it to me. The person administrating it then gives me the shot and then puts a bandage on. I am free to go after about 30 minutes.
Scenario 2: The pharmacy says my insurance doesn't cover the shot unless I am at a doctors office, so it will be a $40 charge. I then say no thank you, and I get the shot at school (I've always worked in a school where they've had a flu shot clinic thing come) following about the same process as in scenario 1.

This was my Greek experience:
Go to a Pharmacy (these are everywhere - one every block or every other block). Walk in and ask for a flu shot to which the lady asks to repeat it. Then she says "flu" and we say yes to which she asks a helper to get her two flu vaccines (note it's called a vaccine and not a shot here in case you ever get one). The lady brings out two boxes. She pulls out one shot and asks for Bob's arm. He holds it over the counter, she gives him the shot, and says "You're done." Then I set my arm on the counter, she gives me the shot, and says "You're done. That will be 12 euros (total for both)." We gave the 12 euros and left. We were free after about 90 seconds.

#1 I couldn't believe how cheap it was - $6.78. #2 I couldn't believe how easy the process was. #3 I hope what we got today was, in fact, the flu shot.

A note about the Pharmacies. Here they sell much more than medication. There are cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, bug spray, medications like tylenol and such as well as prescription medications, and many other things. These are very common as I said. Today we decided we didn't want to cross the road, so we walked one more block to another one that was on our side of the street.You can tell the Pharmacies by the green cross that always sticks out perpendicular to the store and the green writing on the store sign.
this is not the pharmacy we went to today, but this was the only picture I had of one

Also, you don't have to read this in detail, but here was our itinerary for the 14 day trip we were on, so you can see all the sites we went to each day. I've shown you pictures of day 1 sites and one from day 2 so far.

Day 1
Teichos Dymaion
Patras Odeion & Stadium
Patras Museum
Night in Nafpaktos

Day 2
Night in Agrinio

Day 3
Thermon Museum
Sophia Churches
Agrinio Museum
Actium Temple
Night in Preveza

Day 4
Nikopolis Museum
Nikopolis Basilica Complex
Actium Campsite Memorial
Actium Stadium
Louros Aqueduct
Bridge Arta
Night in Menidi

Day 5
Arta Museum
Arta Polyandrion
Arta Temple of Apollo
Panagia Parigoritissa
Nekromanteion at Ephyra
Gliki Church
Night in Igoumenitsa

Day 6
Igoumenitsa Museum
Ioannina Kastro
Night in Ioaninna

Day 7
Ioannina Museum
Aiani Museum
Aiani Nekropolis
Night in Naoussa

Day 8
Tombs at Lefkadia
Pella Museum
Pella Site
Thessaloniki Museum
Night in Thessaloniki

Day 9
Aristotle Square
Chalkeon Church & Hamam
Roman Agora
St. Demetrios
Panagia Acheiropoietos
Arch of Galerius
Rotunda of Galerius
Thessaloniki Museum Storerooms
Night in Thessaloniki

Day 10
Aphytis Ammon Temple
Ieressos Cheese
Xerxes’ Canal
Night in Olympiada

Day 11
Amphipolis Lion
Amphipolis Museum
Amphipolis Hellenistic House
Amphipolis North Wall
Amphipolis Bridge
Thasos Agora & Museum
Night in Thasos

Day 12
Thasos Walking Tour
Aliki Quarries
Night in Thasos

Day 13
Dikili Tash Monument
Dikili Tash Excavations
Philippi Theater
Philippi Museum
Philippi Forum
Night in Litochoro

Day 14
Dion Museum
Dion Site
Larissa Museum

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