Sunday, October 30, 2016

Andanian Mysteries and Kalamata Part 2

We are finally at a hotel with decent internet for the first time on this trip. WOOOO!! This means I can upload some pics. I will upload more from Kalamata yesterday that I couldn't and just a couple from today. We are now in Mystras, which is right outside Sparta.
Today we started out at the Kalamata Museum, which was strange; it was warm, dim, and kind of like a maze (I got stuck once and couldn't find my way out). We then drove on to Messene where we stopped at a museum then the ancient site, which was very large and had a really neat statidum. Finally we stopped at a little church in Konstantinoi where Bob gave his report on the Andanian Mysteries.

Kalamata Hotel Akti Taygetos

our patio

view from the patio
walk way to our room

our little set of rooms
the sea we swam in

Bob gave his report today on the Andanian Mysteries which is actually just a religious cult. There are inscriptions on this church from a cult that indicate its rules and laws with things such as what types of clothes are acceptable, what kind of silverware could be kept in your tent, and different types of roles that officials had. Bob also was comparing this to the Eleusis cult and said about it that you cannot reveal the secrets of the cult or you could be killed for it. I then asked Bob "What are the secrets?" and he said "I don't know because no one ever said anything."

Bob giving his report

the two white sheets on each side of the door contain the inscriptions

a zoom in on one of the inscriptions, but it's not very clear
Side note:
At a stop today, our leader showed us a plant that is known to regulate hormones so women take it to help with fertility and to regulate cycles and men take it if they have too much testosterone or to help with prostate functionality. I couldn't remember what he said the actual name was, but one of its street names is Monk's Pepper.

Bonus castle pic because I loved this castle so much:


  1. My Mother is from Mystra Sparta, looking forward to the pictures.
    Take Care and enjoy

  2. I forgot to tell you the name the people would know in the village is Andrew Mouzaros his family is in Chicago . Please take a picture of his house if anyone knows him or the house

    1. We are in Mystra during the evening for the next three nights. We can try to ask around.
