Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Rainy day in Athens

Today the rain has been on and off. I got up this morning and got exercise clothes on with the intention of going to use the weights. I checked the weather, which said no rain until later. I open the window to let the cool morning air in and hear the rain and the tires screeching outside as they try to climb up the flooding road that runs past my window. Change of plans led to Netflix. Side note: Netflix works in Greece, but Amazon Prime does not.

Around 4pm I decided the rain seemed to have stopped, so I should probably get some exercise. Naturally, I left my room and headed to Dolce Vita for an ice cream cone. If you are ever in Athens I recommend this place. Then I began the hike up the mountain. About 4/5ths the way up, it started to rain. Being the prepared one that I am, I pulled out my rain jacket and finished my climb. If I'm being honest here the real reason for me climbing the mountain was because another girl here saw a tortoise when she hiked it yesterday, and I was hoping for the same. Unfortunately, no such luck.
I dedicate this cone to Gina B. Happy birthday!!

I love this view so much. Each time I hike up, it seems to be a different view. Today it was a cloudy view with one patch of sun rays coming down. I couldn't capture the beauty yet again.

It was like the rays were lighting up the acropolis.

Things I learned today:
Eating an ice cream cone while hiking up a mountain is not ideal.
Weather.com for Athens is never right.
While speaking to the lady in Dolce Vita about how to say "cone" in Greek for those times when the person doesn't speak English, she was caught off guard because she thought all people who worked in stores spoke English. I told her not always the case, but I'm pretty good at ordering ice cream in Greek.
Sometimes when you are climbing a mountain and it begins to rain, you stop and embrace it. When the view is that beautiful, a sun shower seems to make it even more perfect. There are moments in life like that which capture what it is to be alive.
Taking a selfie with your ice cream on the streets of Greece is difficult since there is an abundance of people sitting outside at cafes just people watching.

Updates from Bob:
In case anyone is wondering, he is safe and having a good time. He even sent me a few pictures, which I'll share with you all.

Bob says this dog is hilarious and really enjoys belly rubs

Bob says this guys hangs outside a chicken place and his name is Boobi (sp?)
And of course he finds a big tortoise. Notice the legs and face purple from eating fruit.

Remember that blog where I said a shepherd was leading his flock across a bridge? This isn't a bridge or a shepherd, but it looked similar to this which Bob caught on camera.

A Greek hamburger. Has a different texture - more like a meat loaf.

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