Sunday, October 16, 2016

Actium Temple to Apollo

The ancient town of Actium was on a peninsula. Thus when we went to this site, we were by a lot of water. In order to get to the site, we had to walk through a ship yard filled with giant boats. This is where we saw the donkey if anyone remembers that post. Once past all these enormous boats we walked into heavy brush/forestry. I'm not fully sure how to describe it other than to say it was not kept up. Once here we were immediately swarmed by mosquitoes, which I believe was due to the immense amount of water and shrubbery. From this point on I heard nothing that was said until we were out of there. One lone stick of roll on bug spray was passed around to the whole group as each person eagerly awaited his/her turn for some relief. I did not manage to get a handout with information nor any pictures due to my extreme hatred of mosquitoes; however, Bob snapped two pics, and I stole them from him.
this is where they saw a sea turtle last year, but of course we did not see one

walking through the giants boats


Bob's pictures of the Temple to Apollo

There isn't a lot of green grass around. The playgrounds I see are usually just dirt or often kids play on cement. Today while I was enjoying some souvlaki and sitting in a little square in Athens, I observed three children(two boys, one girl) kicking around some sort of nut, maybe a walnut while it's still got the green on it. I'm not sure what the game was exactly, just something like run after it and kick it. I do like seeing all these kids playing outside though. I have to add- the two boys were rocking mullets as was their father. This encounter was my first with the hair style here, but I will have to keep my eyes peeled.

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