Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Temple of Olympian Zeus - Athens

Today I decided to do some sightseeing in Athens. I visited the Temple of Olympian Zeus. My first thought being I was so afraid of taking that selfie eating ice cream yesterday, and now here today, I am the only one not taking selfies. I guess I just can't fit in here... haha. My next thought was this must have been one massive temple. I Googled it to see if I could get any information about it and found it referenced as a "colossal ruined temple". Originally there were 104 columns, but now only 15 are still standing.
Gate to the Temple; on a side note those little wooden placards on the columns say "do not touch"

pieces from the temple

pieces from the temple

use the people for scale at the size of this thing; also notice the cameo of the Acropolis in the background

zoom in on the Corinthian columns

Baths right outside the temple

houses right outside the temple; can you find something strange about this picture? I'll give you a minute to look. Scroll to the end of the blog if you can't see it, and I'll give a zoom in.

I'd like to share a conversation I had today while window shopping the souvenir stores on my way back from sightseeing.
Lady who works at the store: Hello. How are you?
Me: καλά. ευχαριστώ.
Lady: Can you understand my English?

Also, I would like everyone to know that I went into a restaurant and spoke nothing but Greek as I ordered my food, paid, and left. I felt pretty accomplished.

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