Monday, October 3, 2016


I'm going to post about sites and museums from our trip starting today. I apologize in advance for any incorrect information as this was two weeks ago now, and my memory may not be the greatest.
Our very first stop on our field trip was to Voudeni which contained a Mycenaean settlement and a Mycenaean cemetery. This place was full of tombs. One of the tombs even still had the skeletal remains in it.
If you look in the upper middle of the photo you can see the holes in the ground, those are the excavated tombs.

This is how the tombs are dug for the excavation. Then we actually walked down into a few. They are of different shapes and sizes. There are squares, rectangles, circles, and irregular shaped ones. Some tombs are deep and some are shallow. There are large, medium, and small tombs. Some tombs were for just one person and some tombs held several remains. The size does not correspond to the number of bodies and can actually have an opposite of what you would think correlation. Often the larger tombs have one person or a smaller number of people and the small tombs have several people. These people are often buried with offerings - jewelry, pots, weapons etc.
a large tomb

a smaller tomb

several small ones clustered together

this was the tomb that still had the remains in it
 The next ones are inside views of empty tombs. The remnants have been moved to museums or for study.

a shallow circular tomb
The settlement from far away. It is on top of that hill in the distant left.

an up close picture of the settlement

a beautiful view from the settlement
Meanwhile back in Athens:
Breakfast is served here from 7-9am, so we set an alarm for 8:30am. We got about 10 to 10.5 hours of sleep last night. We needed it. I had signed up for laundry starting at 9am. When I got out of the shower, I asked Bob what time it was, and he said "It's 10:42am, we should have seen two sites and a museum already." We both laughed pretty hard at that as we were really just getting ready for the day, but it's true.
We planned to have a lazy day all day, but I ended up playing some basketball for an hour and a half, and Bob went to the library to do research. I guess we were rested enough. I did however learn I am rusty on my ball skills. I am not so certain that it wasn't the 90 degree weather and eight pieces of pizza I ate slowing me down. Good news is there are plans to play more this week.

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