Thursday, October 13, 2016


At the Thermos site there was an agora and a museum. The Thermos settlement was a meeting place and market for the Aetolians. At the site there were also temples and sanctuaries. I apparently did very poorly with pictures at this site.

Agora area: someone told me that the ancient people would put tents and camp in this field.

these are the tools that were used to smash olives into olive oil

We were not allowed to take any pictures inside the museum, so I will supplement this post with a random stop we made in the town of Parabola. I can't even remember what this ruin is, but I think it was some kind of church. It is not surrounded by graves.
we climbed a hill in Parabola, and this is the town

to the right is what is remaining of the church(?)



modern graves outside. Note the bodies are buried underground and just the monuments are above ground. I thought this was very interesting how there is so much above ground and it is so large. Also, the gravel on top of all.
We did also stop off at the church you see below that is an archeological site, but I can't remember any details about it. Bob would probably know, but he's not here to tell me.

*I saw a band playing on top of a giant bus today.
*A random store owner asked me if I am studying in Athens because I know Greek.
*Remember my post about the rainy day in Athens? How I didn't leave my room until 4pm when I was sure the rain was done? How Bob told me not to go out in the rain? Well, I found out another member here did go out in the rain and fell and broke his leg. The sidewalks are crazy slippery here. It's not normal cement. They are made out of a tile or something.

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