Friday, October 14, 2016


We stopped at the Agrinio Museum on our way to Stratos. I took a few pictures, but it was a relatively small museum.
the museum

a bath tub

this lion has a tongue... if you remember back to my post about drooling lions

this giant beast  gets buried partway underground to stay cool and then you store things in it... an ancient refrigerator??

I have captured every turtle excavated at all museums we have gone to.

I took a pictures of these stelai to show what the base looks like if the top part is missing. The carvings can help figure out what was put on top.

for example, these carvings show feet, so this must have held a person statue - don't mind my shadow, twas a sunny day

Then we went to the Stratos Archeological Site. Here there was an agora, a theater we couldn't get to, and a big temple to Zeus. I am embarrassed to say I only have four pictures. I'm not sure why I don't have more - I felt like I took more. We also all ate a picnic lunch here.

This summer in Coralville, I had found this delicious empanadas restaurant since it was right next to where I was working called Maestro's Empandas. I became a little obsessed. I had read an article online about an empandas place in Athens, and I thought "I MUST TRY THIS!" It is calles Los Loros (the parrots). I went today and got two emapanadas. It was a tiny little restaurant, and it was super packed. The workers were very nice. The empanadas were cheaper and smaller than in Iowa, but they were good. Not as good as in Iowa, but still good enough that I'm considering going back tomorrow.
They have an empanada made with shark. I was not brave enough to try that.

In other news, Lindsay Lohan is opening a night club in Athens (5 km from me). Tomorrow night is opening night.

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