Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Teichos Dymaion (Dymaean Wall) in Achaea

The Dymaean Wall or Kalogria Castle is located in Achaea, Greece. It is located on an acropolis, and is a fortification with a giant wall. These walls are very old and are sometimes called Cyclopean Walls because they are made of huge limestone boulders that the ancients believed Cyclops must have built them since it would be impossible for man to lift. Here are a few close ups of the walls.

There was an entire fortification here. The larger structure would have been the tower.

Here are some pictures of the inside of the fortification.

a view of sheep from the fortification

the walk back down from the acropolis

two different styles of wall building in one wall
This is a picture of a picture from the museum of the entire fortified area on top of the acropolis. These fortifications are generally built on hills because it's easier to defend from attackers.

I am amazed at the size of these walls and structures, and I really enjoyed walking around and through them.

Meanwhile back in Athens:
I was a baller again today. The game was a little more intense today due to some new players with a more competitive streak. This resulted in a few injuries today. I only got a bloody thumb nail, so I didn't take the worst of it. I spent a lot of time running around trying to avoid the game. Haha. I'm not sure how much more I'll be doing in the future.
Also, on the way to the courts (1.5 km away) we passed a man selling bagels on the street, which is common here. The interesting part of this man was the music he was listening to while selling; it was Eminem. I couldn't believe it. Here I am nearly 6000 miles from home, and what should I hear but some old school Slim Shady. Man oh man.

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