Sunday, October 23, 2016

Louros Aqueduct and The Bridge of Arta

The Louros Aqueduct is a very large Roman aqueduct built sometime after 31BC on the orders of Emperor Octavian Augustus to supply the city of Nikopolis(see earlier post) with water.

The Bridge at Arta is a stone bridge that crosses the Arachthos River. It is famous due to the song titled "The Bridge of Arta" which tells a story of how builders would spend all day working on the bridge but it would collapse at night. Then one day, the master builder got a message from a bird that told him he needed to sacrifice his wife to the bridge in order to complete construction. So he says he lost his ring down below the arch of the bridge. His wife goes down to get it, and they build her into the foundations of the bridge. She first curses the bridge but then turns the curse into a wish once she realizes her brother may cross the bridge. Thus the sacrifice is fulfilled and the Spirits of the river all the bridge to be built successfully. The Bridge has been in many paintings, embroideries, engravings, and sculptures.
It is now a pedestrian bridge

the top of this arch was the exact border line between the Greece and Ottoman Empires in 1881-1912
We don't get a lot of meat around here, and anyone who knows Bob and I knows we enjoy eating meat. Today, we decided to go get a plate full of meat. We went to a place called MeatMeatMeat The Grill and got the meat sampler for two. We may have splurged a little bit here, but it was worth it. There are six sticks of meet (two chicken, two pork, one beef, one turkey), two pork chops, one sausage, fries, pita bread, tomatoes, lettuce, and two sauces.

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