Friday, September 30, 2016

Thasos Round 2

So we find ourselves here again....

and I don't just mean once again eating gyros in bed. This is our second and final night on Thassos. We are in the same hotel, Hotel Timoleon. I only took this one interior photo in which Bob decided to make a cameo.
note the two beds --- I mean is that a Greek thing?

Today we did a walking tour of the city of Limenas in Thassos which was four kilometers and about four hours that took us up a giant hill and back down. We saw many sanctuaries to different gods and goddesses and of course beautiful views.

This is the port where we entered on the ferry

Soccer field. I keep forgetting that's the big sport here and not football.

stumbled upon this mantis... thankfully it was a praying mantis and not the much more ferocious preying mantis

and this happened today... I have no explanation

more chickens
Shameless plug for this video titled "Chickens in the Snow" on behalf of Jessi -
Super random but my facebook On This Day throwback thing showed this video, and I thought it only fitting since we saw chickens (not in the snow) today.

I thought I was done with beautiful pictures for today after this morning, but tonight we went to Aliki and saw marble quarries there. I took 83 photos; it was amazing. I will obviously not post them all, but I'll post a few. Some of the group went swimming, but we didn't have our suits, so we only waded in a bit. I did see two sea urchins though, so naturally I was filled with fear. Then I remembered I actually know the words to tell someone what happened and to get help if I did indeed step on one. Bob and I sat on lawn chairs on the beach as the sun set. He said to me "the past few days have felt like we are on a vacation" to which I replied "these 9 months feel like a vacation." I was also able to just sit on the beach and eat an ice cream; sometimes that is enough.

There will definitely be more of these quarry photos at a later point in time. I'll dedicate an entire post to them.

Cool things from today:
While on our tour, we have to walk through people's back yards and driveways and near houses because these ruins basically just have a modern city built on top of them. While we were waiting at the bottom of the hill for the rest of the group, we were standing right outside a lady's house. Her dog was barking continuously, and she came outside. Here I am thinking she is going to come yell at us to get away, but instead she brings out two cold bottles of water and a cup and offers us water. I thought that was the sweetest gesture. Then one of the professors on the trip commented "that's the hospitality you hear so much about". That was my first real run in with that, and it was pretty cool. I'm not sure that would happen in the city though.
Tonight as we were sitting out on these chairs on an island far away from the city with a wide open sky, we saw stars for the first time in Greece. The sky was lit up and beautiful. I'm not even sure when I was last able to see the sky like that. We have a gorgeous sky at my childhood home in Illinois, and the big dipper always sits right on top of our house. I saw it tonight, and even though this is in no way true, I had the thought like there is my house, just off in the distance, not that far away.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for being a faithful reader! Haha. The quarries were probably my favorite site yet.
