Monday, September 26, 2016


I'm going to play a little catch up with tonight's blog. We are staying in the same town for two nights for the first time on this trip, so tonight I'm going to post about the place we stayed last night since I wasn't able to.

Yesterday we visited lots of museums. I prefer going to the sites over the museums usually, but we visited a really neat one yesterday. We started with the Ioannina museum, then a museum and some tombs in Aigani, and finally a museum in Vergina. The museum I liked the most was in Vergina. It was underground and very dark. We were not allowed to take pictures inside though, so that was sad. The hotel we stayed at was called Esperides Spa Hotel in Naoussa. It was my favorite out of the eight hotels we've stayed at in Greece. The room decoration was nice, the room was clean, the service was friendly, I didn't smell smoke at all anywhere, and the owner was also a chef, so we had a delicious meal for dinner.
Our bed. Yes, it was only one!

vaulted wooden ceiling

homemade dinner: hummus and pita, pork, potatoes, sausage pasta bake, Greek salad, and two other kinds of salad I don't know the names of.

dessert: tasted like a pudding type thing with a chewy cookie at the bottom. I heard someone say marzipan.

hotel hallway

there were no less than 5 cat pictures hanging on the wall in our room
the view from the porch of our hotel

this is another picture of the town with the wedding from yesterday's post.

Things still occurring daily:
Dogs, dogs, and dogs. There are dogs everywhere.
Mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and mosquitoes. I am wearing repellent, but I am getting bit. I may have mentioned this before, but the mosquitoes seem more severe in the itchiness of the bites in Greece.
The weather is interesting here because in the morning it will be so cold... 45ish then in the afternoon it will be in the 80's with the sun. I've been wearing my zip off pants though, so it's convenient. I just zip off the legs when it gets hot. We are going to churches tomorrow, so I'm not allowed to wear shorts. It's going to be a hot one!

I will share two of the dog stories from yesterday. In the morning, we walked to the Ioannina Museum from our hotel. On our walk back, three dogs followed us. One came all the way up to the door, but then did not go in. He just stared at us. The owner told us his name is Rex, and the black dog you see in the background is something like παχουλό, which translates to fat man. I found this to be really funny because I had commented to Bob as we were walking that he was a fat one.

Also, I fed my first stray. I gave him a French fry.

More cute dogs to come.

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