Friday, September 9, 2016

We have arrived.

Thursday morning we left the Chicago suburbs at 8:30am for our 12:45pm flight.
These bags are all I've brought with me for the next 9 months.

The only other time I have flown it took us two hours to get through everything at the airport without checking bags. This time we were done in under 10 minutes including checking bags. That was a good start to the day.

After making our connecting flight out of Canada, we arrived in Athens at 10:35am Athens time, which was 2:35am Chicago time, meaning we are tired. We ate lunch and then slept for a couple hours before exploring some near by streets in order to purchase a few items we needed. They don't have something like your Walmart or Target here so far as I've seen. We purchased items from a Supermarket that was about the size of a large college dorm room and a Pharmacy, which is similar to a CVS or Walgreens but carries far less stuff and is again about the size of a large college dorm room. I think it's neat how everything seems cozy here. I did not take my camera with me, but I will post pictures of the area soon.

Things that I have found of note so far:

I enjoyed the airplane food (first time flying where I was fed a meal).
You do not flush toilet paper in Greece; it goes in the waste bin.
People here can understand my Greek, but I also am clearly recognizable as an American.
I love whatsapp.
Pokemon Go works in Greece.

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