Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The town we stopped in tonight is called Preveza. It is right on the water, so once again a very nice view. I dedicate these pictures to Peggy, so if she's reading this, she can pretend she's in Greece and not worry about anything else.

We decided to eat dinner along the water tonight, and Bob was insistent upon trying octopus. He liked it, and he made me try it. I thought it was alright.
View from dinner
My food: souvlaki
Bob's food: octopus

We were told by our leader that this hotel we stay in tonight will be the best one we stay in on the trip. I will judge the hotel by its breakfast, so I'll let you know tomorrow how that turns out. We had a really good breakfast this morning in that it wasn't just bread. I got meat and eggs, two things I've really been missing.

On our trip today we stopped in Thermon to see another Agora and a museum, Stratos to see a temple, back to Agrinio for another museum, and Aktion to see something, but I'm not really sure what it was because we had to go through some brush behind a boat yard and we all got attacked by mosquitoes so much that I didn't take a hand out nor hear a word from the presenter. I will post these pictures and more detail when we return from the trip. However, we did see a lot of wildlife, which I will share with you now. Unfortunately, we did not see any sea turtles when we were by the water, so that was disappointing.
Upon a stop off our bus, there were four dogs, I kind of got three in one picture.

Some chickens

At a pit stop, while we were looking for a WC, a man stopped us and said "come take picture of my peacocks"

There was a random herd of donkeys including baby donkeys, but they all ran away except this one.

My two cents at the end:
When we go to these sites, they are often in the middle of nowhere or we need to hike through hills behind towns. Today we were working our way up a hill, when an older lady calls out to Bob and me and asks where we are from. After responding, we continue walking then realize she is rising in the air. She had some sort of outdoor elevator but it just looked like a gate that was waste high that took her up to the second floor. Bob says he wishes he had stopped to talk to her longer, and I teased with him about what else would we have said because we pretty much used the extent of our conversational Greek with her.
We had some friendly experiences today with locals, which was nice. There was the man who told us to photograph his peacocks and the lady in her elevator, which I already mentioned. There was also the wait staff at the place we ate tonight. They were all really friendly and chatty. They let us practice our Greek as much as possible as they claimed their English wasn't very good, but I thought it was much better than our Greek.
We also had a not so friendly experience with a giant swarm of mosquitoes. I do think I only sustained a maximum of three bites though as I had some repellent on, I applied more as people were passing some around ferociously, I was wearing pants, and Bob was swatting them off me.
I saw a vary tall man wearing a very tiny fanny pack. I did not have my camera, but I am still planning on writing a fanny pack post once I collect enough data. I know Katie is also looking forward to it.
I never thought I'd eat octopus.


  1. Ahhhh! I love the pictures and commentary! It all looks beautiful and so interesting! Thank you for taking the time to post your blog. You are a great writer AND photographer. Barry is salivating over the food shots! You referred to presentations that you have given...what is this? I m excited to see more posts :)

    1. Every person who goes on the trip has to give a 20-25 minute presentation at one of the sites. The trip leader gives you the topic, and you have to research and present.

  2. This is the best one yet. Love the pictures :)

  3. Melissa, I have so enjoyed your blog posts!! Miss working with you, lady! Your wit and observations here make me miss you more! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us! Pam Smith

  4. Love following your blog so far, Melissa! Really miss working with you and your wit and humor blogging makes me miss you more! Thanks for sharing your adventure!!

  5. I am very much looking forward to the fanny pack post/picture.

    I can't believe you ate octopus!! Your food looked really good, though.

    Tom & I also judge every place we stay by their breakfast :).
