Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day two of field trip bonus

So the internet at this hotel seems to be working much better, so I'm going to try to do a second post tonight with historical things.
The first site we visited today was in ancient Kalydon. The names of the ruins were the Heroon, which has a tomb, and the Temples of Artemis and Apollo. We got to go inside the tomb, but needed to use flashlights. There was also a neat old theater there.


Bob going into the tomb

inside the tomb

view of the temples from down hill
We also visited New Pleuron, Oiniadai, and Messolonoghi. I will save New Pleuron and Oiniadai pictures for another day, but I do want to show the statue of Lord Byron at Messolonoghi in the Garden of Heroes, since that's what I gave my report on today.
I couldn't read the Greek, but I recognized his face.

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