Friday, September 16, 2016

The Laiki

The Laiki is similar to a farmer's market in America. Every Friday morning, the Laiki takes place a block away from us. They sell fruits, vegetables, clothes, nuts, candy, etc. We ventured out this morning. We got carrots, apples, red grapes, peanuts, almonds, and eggs. I started with 5 euro and just used my change over and over again and left with 0.45. It was pretty neat. Bob bought the nuts which cost 4 euro, so we got all of this for 8.55.

Bob loved the grapes so much, we went back for some green grapes, and the man gave them to us for free..... we think anyway. He was yelling a bunch of Greek at us, and we gave him the deer in the headlights look and he just said "oxi", "oxi" and waved his hand at us. If you remember from my Greek lesson two blogs ago, "oxi" means "no". The second time we went back, Bob brought his camera, so here are some of the pictures he took. I'll try to get back there in three weeks (leaving on Monday for a two week trip) to take some pictures of the fruits and vegetables.
the start of the stalls
what the street looks like

an olive stand

fish stand

fish stand 2

Further behind where we live here is the Mt Lycabettus, which I touched on in an earlier blog. We climbed it again tonight to see the sunset there. The pictures still don't do it justice. This view is so spectacular.

Things I noticed today:
I'm getting pretty good with my numbers in Greek.
The Laiki is the best place to get produce in the terms of taste and price.
Bug bites are extra itchy here.
My throat is starting to hurt from smoke/exhaust in the air.
Food seems to taste sweeter here, especially things with tomatoes.

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