Sunday, September 11, 2016

National Archaeological Museum

I think we are still not adjusted to the time over here as we slept from 11:00pm-4:30am where we were then wide awake. We slept again from 7:30am-9:30am unintentionally which caused us to get a later start to the day than we wanted. Because of this, we decided to only do one museum today, the National Archaeological Museum. It is filled with artifacts/statues/relics that have been found in excavations or in the sea.
The outside of the museum

Roman Chariot

Kouros Statue


Two youths have a dog and cat fight

six athletes (Bob and I have renamed it to "dance party")


Hoplite Armor

I like turtles, so I took this picture.

Either Zeus or Poseidon. It is unknown because he could be holding a lightning bolt or a trident.

Jockey and a horse

On our way back from the museum, we stopped for a late lunch and had our first authentic gyros. They were delicious! I loved this little place. The staff was very friendly. We also spoke in about 80% Greek with them, which was cool. This was a great experience for us. I was very happy at how kind we were treated because I hadn't felt that yet.
The restaurant is on a pedestrian type street sounded by other shops and restaurants. It is a touristy area. They had only two tables outside which sat about 8 people at each. The only downside was all the smoke and two people - one kid and one adult- who at separate times were pretty persistent on trying to get us to buy little packs of facial tissues from them.

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