Thursday, September 22, 2016


As promised in yesterday's blog, I will talk about the breakfast at the hotel this morning in Preveza. WE GOT BACON! WE GOT SAUSAGE! That's all I have to say about that.

Tonight we stay in Menidi. This is the smallest town we've stayed in yet with a population (according to Wikipedia- which we all know is always correct) of around 2000. Once again there is an excellent view by the water.

I forgot to take a picture of all food we ate today. I just see food and eat it. I will try to get better. We did make a pit stop today for bathroom and coffee(we don't drink this but almost everyone else does) like always, and Bob and I went down the road a little bit further to a bakery. We got two things I can't remember the name of which are similar to calzones in that it's bread wrapped around ingredients, but we got chicken and cheese inside and our first Greek chocolate milk. However, this lady was so nice when we asked about another thing she had in her case, she just gave it to us for free. It was some sort of sweet roll. It had apricot jam and honey. Then when we paid and got our bag, she threw two more muffins in on top. That was the neatest thing. I couldn't believe the generosity. I said "thank you, thank you very much", in Greek of course, then later wondered if they also think of Elvis when they say or hear that in Greece. We were then however once again rolling in the carbs.

For our sites today (which I will again post pictures of when I'm back in Athens with better wifi), we went to the Nikopolis Museum and site, which had a bunch of old basilicas and well preserved mosaics. There is also a giant theater there, but we couldn't see it due to time. Then we went to the site that has been my favorite of any so far, Kassope. It has remnants of an entire town. There are houses, stoas, an agora, a little political theater, a giant entertainment theater, a temple, and a tomb. I have a lot of pictures of this place, and am excited to post them. I will give a sneak peak. Here I am sitting in the theater that seats 6000. The picture doesn't even show half of the seats. See if you can find me.

After this we visited some ancient aqueducts, then some very well preserved two story houses in Horraon, and finally the bridge of Arta.

I have another round of Greece's wildlife today:
A little lizard ran away from me then watched me from this crack
my lizard friend again
dung beetle rolling a ball of dung
sheep in the distance
getting closer to the sheep

so close to the sheep

I did not see the turtle some others saw today, and unfortunately, I was not quick enough to get a picture of a horse on the side of the road or a cow walking down a dirt path at us today.

Note at the end that I keep doing:
We do not have a TV in our room in Athens, but we've had one each night in the hotel. We have yet to turn it on though. Tonight when Bob was eating dinner, and I was kind of eating his dinner too(I don't like to eat at 8pm), the TV was on in the taverna, and it was a Greek soap opera. I only understood one sentence said by a young boy "my name is Nicolae", but it did seem just as dramatic as all soap operas we know and love(actually I don't really know them or love them).
I would like to give a shout-out to the people reading this blog. You the real MVP. Also, thanks to everyone who is contacting me via whatsapp, snapchat, facebook etc. while I'm here.


  1. I love reading your blog & keeping up. I think you're doing an awesome! I giggled when you said "the soap operas we know & love"... I was like, oh really, Mel? Name one show you watch here that's like a soap opera haha

    1. Haha! That's why I put that next part in parentheses where I admitted I don't.

    2. I know, I saw. I LOL'ed. I feel like the soaps seem even more dramatic in other languages. They always use to have Spanish soaps on at the laundromat we went to years ago. Very engrossing even though I couldn't follow at all.

    3. I totally understand, I was thinking Oh Nicolae, why are your parents (or your mom and some random man) fighting?
