Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Tonight our hotel is located in Agrinio. I really like this town. Bob looked it up, and it has a population of 106,000 people according to Google. It doesn't seem that large though. There is a circle in the middle of the town, where people are congregating, and a man was selling giant balloons.

We also got ice cream and a calzone. The calzone was very tasty and very large.

For tomorrow's lunch we have to eat at the site, so we needed to pick up food to pack a picnic. We stopped at a cheese and meat shop. As time went on, and we were trying meats and cheeses, more of the fellow field trippers came in. We eventually filled the store, and a lady asked if she could take a picture with us. She posted this photo online saying"world wide customers and friends":
The lady in the white and pink shirt is the store worker
Bob took a picture of the name of the shop
Other cool things from today:
We learned that when you order toast in Greece it's actually a grilled ham and cheese.
I now have three Pokemon gyms in Greece, two of which I am the top contender, and one of which is a level 10. This is pretty sweet considering I've played for all of one and a half hours since I've been here.
I gave my report today. Bob says I did well, and also says he wasn't just being nice, and I did do well.
I ordered a cup of water speaking completely in Greek, and the waiter understood.
Hotel keys that are legitimate keys and not just swipe cards get left at the front desk when you leave, and then you pick them back up when you come in. (We only left twice-once at each hotel- before we found this out... no big deal).

Also, I should include the pictures of these animals we saw today. One cat that kept eating food we were dropping or people were feeding, and one dog that greeted us when we got off the bus today. We are missing our dog a lot. :(

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