Monday, September 19, 2016

Field Trip Day 1

We ventured out this morning at 7:05. That's right, the bus took off six minutes later than scheduled due to late arrivals. I was wondering what the bus would look like, and I was pleasantly surprised to find this:

It's not an American school bus, that's for sure. It wasn't spacious, but it was nice, and it has AC.

Due to my poor internet connection, I was not able to finish this post last night, I also won't be able to upload a lot of photos, so instead of posting the sites I visited today, I'm just going to post some of the views from the town we stayed in and a few other things.

This little guy came up to say "hello" when we got off the bus for a pit stop today. One lady on the trip game him some of her sandwich.

Here are some pictures of a suspension bridge we crossed today on our way to Nafpaktos "Lepanto". Interesting fact. This bridge was built for the 2004 Olypics, prior to that you could only cross the river by ferry, and even to this day if the winds are too strong, you still have to cross by ferry. We almost had to the go ferry route last night.

The town was a port side town, so we got a lot of neat shots. You can see a little castle type structure in the hill here.

 A little duck house built into the shore line.

 We walked along the water at night, and there were some pretty neat views.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are beautiful! I stole one of them & am using it as my computer background.
