Saturday, September 10, 2016

Day 2 - Acropolis Museum

Today we ventured to the Acropolis Museum in Athens. I have a few pictures of the outside, but you're not allowed to publish photos of the things inside. If you are interested in what's in there, here is a link:         

Bob really enjoyed "Hunting Dog" as seen here:

My favorite part of the museum were little notes written on small lead tables, which were questions that people are asking the gods or consulting the oracle with. I found them amusing. It's interesting to see what other people worry about or place as a main concern in life for which they seek answers. They take all forms such as questions about marriage, offspring, assets, debts, spells, and business. A few examples (not exact) would be like "what can I do to bare children?", "Did ______(fill in name) steal my money?", "Did _______ put a spell on me?, "can you curse ______?". Curses are usually buried so they are closer to the demons, who can answer. Sometimes they look for priests to answer.

Here is an example I found at where a man is asking to which god he should pray in order for his wife to have useful offspring.

On our walk we also saw a few other things I'd like to point out. We had heard there were lots of stray dogs around Athens and we saw our first one today. See picture below. As we walked around we ended up seeing a lot more, they were all just lounging around on sidewalks, near benches, and even one outside the parliament building, also pictured below. I think he was there for the guard exchange just like the rest of us.

Other stumble upons:  
Hadrian's Arch

Roman Bath

Roman Bath

Temple of Olympian Zeus

 Things I noted today:

All the streets look really cool.

I'm not sure if this hut on the street sells KFC or is just advertising for KFC, but there appears to be a KFC in Greece.

The dogs in Greece like to take naps.

The pigeons in Greece also like to take naps.



  1. The Acropolis Museum is crazy cool. Are they still excavating underneath it? From what I recall, they started digging the foundation for that new museum (since it's not actually on the Acropolis) and they found all sorts of ruins that they had to excavate. So they built the museum up off the group on pillars and are excavating beneath. Crazy!

    Is there still a lot of graffiti all over the buildings and streets?


    1. Yes, they are excavating underneath. I thought that was really neat. I liked walking around looking through the floor at the ruins.

      Yes, graffiti everywhere.

  2. Love it, Love it, Love it!! What a great adventure! Keep the posts coming! Have fun and be safe~

  3. Poor Zeus. His temple needs work. Get thee to the KFC!
