Monday, September 12, 2016

Mount Lycabettus

We live at the bottom of a 908 feet above sea level, limestone hill called Mount Lycabettus. At the top is a restaurant, the chapel of St. George, and a theater that is no longer in operation. Here is a picture from a little over a mile away looking at the hill:

We hiked up to the top of the hill today and took some pictures of the view. The lighting is a little weird, and the pictures definitely don't do it justice. There is also a great view of the Acropolis.

Things to note:
You can take a cart to the top instead of walking. I will eventually update this to the cost, but I don't know because I haven't done it.
In addition to the permanent things at top which I had already listed, you will find lots of people taking selfies and random locals selling beverages.
There have been reports of people flashing you along the walk up the hill. I saw nothing.

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