Monday, April 24, 2017

The Menelaion and Leonidas' Grave

Two sites from our Peloponnese trip located near Sparta were the Menelaion and the supposed grave of Leonidas.
The Menelaion was a sanctuary to Helen and her husband, Menelaus. The first phase is dated to the late 8th early 7th century BCE.
The Menelaion from far away.

A close up on the backside.

A close up on the front side.

We had to hike up a long time to get to this place, so naturally we had some great views.

A few meters away from the Menelaion itself is the Menelaion site mansion remains.

Venturing into Sparta, we have the grave of Leonidas or so some say. If you aren't familiar with Leonidas, he is the warrior king of Sparta who led the Greek at the Battle of Thermopylae as portrayed in the movie 300.

 In Athens news, I made these slippers/shoes out of plastic bags today.

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