Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sparta Museum and the Sanctuary of Psychico

The Sparta Museum holds finds from the Spartan Acropolis as well as other sites in the area. The museum was a medium sized one with some interesting items.

A bronze turtle as opposed to the clay ones in most.

Here is a scene from the Iliad in which Trojans are bringing horses, amphorae, and a cuirass as ransoms for Hector's body.

This was a base for a table from the 3rd century AD and depicts Dionysus and a satyr.

Fragment of mosaic pavement depicting the incident of Achilles at Scyros.

The head of a hoplite (soldier) with a helmet.

The Sanctuary at Psychico doesn't have a lot of research done on it. The ruin is next to a tennis court and we had to look at it through a fence.
Tennis court to the left. Ancient sanctuary to the right.

Here it is.

1 comment:

  1. What is going on in the mosaic of the snake/human?
