Thursday, April 13, 2017

Easter Eggs and Cookies

The Easter holiday is the most celebrated of the holidays in Greece. The students here have two weeks off school starting this past Monday. The holiday for the staff employed at the ASCSA has off Friday-Tuesday, so this was their last day before a 5 day break. To celebrate and say goodbye, we did egg dyeing and made cookies. There is a tradition with the eggs where you crack them together called tsougrisma. Each person picks an egg and they have to hit it tip to tip with the other's eggs. The person whose egg is left uncracked at the end is the winner. We are supposed to try this on Sunday.
Traditionally the eggs are only dyed red, but we did multiple colors. In addition to the egg dyeing, we made Greek Easter cookies called koulourakia.
Anna teaching me how to roll it out.

Can you spot which figure is mine?

Time to dye.

They showed us how you could make neat impressions on the eggs by putting a leaf on it and wrapping it tight with pantyhose.

Ah, yes, she is done.

Um... not quite, Melissa.

This is what it is supposed to look like.

The finished products.

My baked cookie creation - it's a turtle.

1 comment:

  1. I thought yours was the smiley face. I didn't notice the turtle. Dang.
