Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Archaeological Museum of Olympia

The Archaeological Museum of Olympia contains the finds from the site. The museum is quite large. One room is dedicated almost solely to the enormous pediments from the Temple of Zeus.

The next few pictures are sections of the pediments on the Temple of Zeus. I couldn't get a whole set in one shot because it spanned the length of the room.

Animal votives at the altar of Zeus.

A bronze battering ram.

Bronze Cuirass. On the shoulders are figures of two lions and two bulls. Between them are two Sphinxes and two panthers. In the bottom section, there is a procession: it may represent the entrance of Apollo to Olympus.

Bronze defensive equipment.

More bronze defensive equipment.

Bronze helmet and shield.

Bronze helmets.

Bronze sheet.

A bull from the giant fountain I posted about in my Olympia site blog.

Cauldron. The rim was decorated with alternating lions and griffins. From the 1st half of the 7th c. BCE.

Clay male puppets.

Clay votive figurines from the altar of Zeus.


A reconstruction drawing of what the giant fountain looked like. See the bull from above in the center?


Griffin statues.

Hermes sandals.

Hermes statue from behind.

Hermes statue with baby Dionysus.

Iron bits and balance chains.

Iron keys and splits.

Iron tools of everyday use.



Lion head from the front of a shield.

Metopes from the Temple of Zeus.

The statue of Nike. In the Olympia post, you can see the base the of the monument that remains at the site. This is the top.

Pan dancing.

Pediment from the Treasury.

A handle which features two lions tearing apart a stag.

Zeus holding Ganymede.

Molds from the statue of Zeus.

More molds.


Statue of Emperor Hadrian.
The above was just a little sampling of what the museum has to offer. The Olympia site was large with many remains.

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