Friday, April 21, 2017

Messene Museum and Archaeological Site

The museum at Messene wasn't too large, and I only took a couple of photos.

The archaeological site however was very large and well preserved. The site contains a stadium, gymnasium, agora, basilica, fountain, baths, palaistra theater and heroon. We spent a couple hours looking around here. I've again tried to narrow down the pictures but proves pretty difficult. The first installation at the site dates back to 9th-8th century BCE but the town wasn't founded until 369 BCE.


Roman baths.

I loved this. Water started flowing here and went throughout the site. Keep scrolling to see the trail.

Measuring tools in the agora.

More of the water trail.

Sanctuary of Asclepios.


Water is still flowing down down down.

The Palaistra connected to the Gymnasium and was used as the wrestling hall.

The Mausoleum of the Saithidae Family.


At the bottom of the hill we have the conclusion of the water trail.

A funeral monument.

The left is the stoa of the meat market.

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