Saturday, April 22, 2017

Kalamata Museum and Arcadian Gate

The Arcadian Gate is one of two entrances to ancient Messene. This gate separated Messene from Arcadia and was part of the fortification of the city. It is constructed with large limestone blocks.
I enjoyed the brief stop here on our way out of Messene, but what I found to be the most entertaining part was how our group of people age 26-32 saw the walls and just started climbing them. I guess we never lose our sense of adventure.

Look at those beautiful mountains, Peggy.

That would be me in the purple. I am inside the gate.

Gorgeous views.

Looking down on the gate after climbing the wall.

There were some graves just outside the city gates. Remember no burying the dead inside the city.

Kalamata is the chief port of the Messenia region. The archaeological museum there covers finds from the whole Messenian area.

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