Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cape Tainaron

Cape Tainaron or Cape Matapan is the Southernmost tip of mainland Greece. On our second to last day of the Peloponnese trip, we ventured down here where an entrance to Hades is located according to Greek Mythology.  Also located here are remnants of an ancient temple to Poseidon and a more modern lighthouse which is no longer in use.

Ancient Sanctuary to Poseidon

There appear to still be people leaving offerings.

The cave at the entrance to Hades.

I think this was an early Christian Basilica.

We walked out to the lighthouse.

I stayed near the light house.

Bob wondered out to the actual Southernmost tip of mainland Greece.

And he took this beautiful picture of it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I wonder if Poseidon appreciates Shrek.
