Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cape Tainaron

Cape Tainaron or Cape Matapan is the Southernmost tip of mainland Greece. On our second to last day of the Peloponnese trip, we ventured down here where an entrance to Hades is located according to Greek Mythology.  Also located here are remnants of an ancient temple to Poseidon and a more modern lighthouse which is no longer in use.

Ancient Sanctuary to Poseidon

There appear to still be people leaving offerings.

The cave at the entrance to Hades.

I think this was an early Christian Basilica.

We walked out to the lighthouse.

I stayed near the light house.

Bob wondered out to the actual Southernmost tip of mainland Greece.

And he took this beautiful picture of it.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Before we got to Monemvasia on our Peloponese trip. we stopped at a prehistoric site that is the Mycenean Palace Vasilios. It is an active excavation site, so things were mostly under tarps. Not much to see.

Monemvasia, on the other hand holds many beautiful sites. The town is located on a small island linked by a 200 m causeway pictured directly below these sentences. It was the site of a powerful medieval fortress and town walls as well as Byzantine churches still remain.

Doorway to enter the fortress/town.

Picture of the town from high up on the plateau.

That would be Bob.

Church in the distance.

The causeway and the town on the mainland as seen from Monemvasia.


Vouliagmeni Lake

Today we ventured 20 km south of Athens to Vouliagmeni where we relaxed by a lake. This however is no ordinary lake but is advertised as a natural spa lake. The water is replenished by both the sea and thermal springs. The waters also include fish known as Garra Rufa which offer skin exfoliation. One nibbled my ankle, but I wore water shoes and they mostly go for the feet. The others with us enjoyed this, but I didn't partake in this feature. The beauty of the place is in the scenery as it was once a large cavern that collapsed during an earthquake in the middle ages.
Today was full of firsts for me. Not only was it my first time to this healing spa lake, but it was my first time using Uber (as pictured above) and the Athens Metro and Bus system. Uber was great. The others not so much as they were crowded and stinky.

Lake V

Lake V

Lake V

The exfoliating fish.

As promised from yesterday, here are my National Gardens pictures.

There is a goat in there, but it's difficult to see him.