Tuesday, May 2, 2017


I'm heading out to Italy in the morning and realized recently I still hadn't even finished all the sites from my Peloponnese trip yet, so here is the last stop we had: Tegea. We went to the Temple to Athena Alea and a museum here.

The original temple burned down in 395/4 BCE. The new one was erected in the 4th century BCE and destroyed by an earthquake in the 6th century AD.

Me in the temple.

The museum contained finds from the site.

Stamp seals for the top two rows and then pendants.

Blocks from the temple.

A sarcophagus fragment of Achilles dragging Hector around the walls of Troy.

A relief with Dionysos, Heracles, and Artemis.

The head of Asclepios.

There was a dog chilling on a car outside the museum.

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