Thursday, May 25, 2017

Greek Bathrooms

This trip is my first time leaving North America, and I didn't know that Greek bathrooms held many new adventures. You cannot throw the toilet paper into the toilet. The plumbing is not built to handle it. Instead there are little trash bins next to the toilet for you to deposit your paper into. I'm sure many tourists do not know this information, so most toilets will remind you. I've created a few collages of signs we've encountered.
Some of them show pictures, some of them are just words, and some have both. The bottom right one with words and picture is telling us to "keep the toilet clean" and I just think if you sprinkle when you tinkle and not to throw the tp in the trash.

Sometimes the message is only in Greek but after awhile you get the idea.

I liked the mosaic style of this one.

In addition to not throwing the paper in the toilet, this one had an additional sign to ask you to flush the toilet.

Very specific here. Not in the "toilet seat".

No other objects allowed in the toilet. Find another place for your deceased goldfish.
In addition to the "thou shall not throw thy paper in thy toilet" signs that I enjoyed, I found the toilet itself to be like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get when you open that door. I mean once it was a literal box.
Yes, this toilet is a square.

No, this toilet is not comfortable.

Many toilets do not have seats. I call these "squatters".

But in reality, this toilet is probably the squatter as there is literally no toilet. Just a hole.

These are apparently called Turkish toilets.

And sometimes the economic crisis seems so bad even the toilet is out of work.

I also enjoyed some of the signs telling you that you'd found the toilet location.

I'm not sure this is sending the right message.

This was the men's room.

And the women's.

This one is a little tricky. Men can wear thongs too right?

And women can wear shorts.

Just in case you didn't see the first W.C they put another one up.

This is a little girl's toilet.

There is one picture of a toilet with a face looking angry and t.p. being dropped in. When I see it I just think "Do not feed the toilets".

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