Thursday, May 4, 2017

Italy: Rome Day 2

Bob's phone pedometer said 31,788 steps today, so we did about 10,000 more steps around Rome than yesterday. We went to the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Nero's house, a couple museums, and a palace and forum. I'm having a rough go with the internet here, so many pictures are missing, but this gives you a little taste. Enjoy!
A little fountain on our walk

Altare della Patria. There is a tomb of an unknown soldier here.

The following pictures are all of the Colosseum where once upon a time there were gladiator battles and death penalty stuff.

Two pigeons having a moment.

A seagull... we aren't even by the sea.

The following pictures are of the Forum where business and political meetings occurred. This is similar to the Greek Agora.

The following pictures took place at the palace on Palatine Hill.
An oval bath

An aquaduct. 

Below is the Circus Maximus where the Chariot Races took place.

An arch next to the Colosseum.

Picture of a cat from the National Roman Museum.

Very detailed Sarcophagus.
Mummy of an 8 year old girl. Just for you fs.

The Baths of Diocletian

The cold bath inside the building pictured above.


  1. That is so neat. Thanks for taking all the great pictures. Did you notice any difference in how tourists are treated in Rome versus in Athens or other Greek places? I'm just curious because it seems like Rome would be full of tourists all the time, whereas Greece may have more of a local feel to some of the places you visit.

    1. There are a lot of differences, but some similarities. In the heavily touristed areas you still get beggars, people trying to get you in their restaurants, and lots of street people selling things. Athens tourist spots are kind of in one area whereas Rome has things spread all over the city.
