Monday, May 8, 2017

Italy: Naples Day 1 and only

Today we traveled from Salerno to Naples and then went to the Archaeological Museum in Naples. We decided to take a noon train out of Salerno in order to visit the museum there, but it's closed on Monday, so we walked around the town for awhile instead.

We did not get a great impression of Naples the city, but the museum was huge and had some really neat pieces.

I feel like this would be a meme with a caption, but nothing comes to mind. Bob says it's the three graces.

This is a famous mosaic of Alexander the Great. He is on the  horse to the left.

Silenus riding a.... thanksgiving turkey?

the ceiling 

dogs, dogs, dogs

Egyptian finds. I took pictures of the mummies.

Left: mummified head. Right: four mummified feet.

Mummified crocodile with two little ones on the flanks. 

Atlas holding up the world.

A model of Pompeii

Dionysus and Eros

Artemis of Ephesus 

Wrestling a dolphin.

Hercules. He's pretty big.

Warning: the photos below may not be suitable for all ages. The first room we went into in this museum happened to be the eroticism room, but Bob and I had no idea because we couldn't read the Italian. The title of the room itself which I later translated was Secret Cabinet. The door had this posted:
This sign basically says that people under 14 years old can only enter if accompanied by an adult or with a written permission by a teacher. 
This sign really should have been the first clue, but honestly, I still didn't even know when I walked in and these were the first thing I saw:

 After several more pieces similar to this in sculpture and painting around, I finally put it together. Below you see a painting on a ceramic from this room.

Here is one nice pic Bob got of Naples:

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