Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Crete: Vassiliki, Gournia, Lato, and Dreros

On the fourth day of Crete, we visited four Minoan settlements. The weather was cold and windy, so I didn't take many pictures.

Vassiliki has remains of a few houses and many different types of pottery were found during excavations.

Gournia is one of the only Minoan towns to have been excavated completely. The first evidence for people here dates to 3000 BCE but the remains you see today are from 1700 BCE. There was a palace at this site as well though much smaller than at Knossos or Malia.

The ruins at Lato date between the 5th and 4th c. BCE. The ancient city lies between two peaks. We walked up as high as we could get on one of the peaks and the wind was so crazy, you couldn't really stand upright.

Bob braving the wind.

Dreros dates back to 8th-6th c. BCE. The Temple of Apollo built there only dates back to 750 BCE, but is one of the earliest known Greek temples. This site is still undergoing active excavations.

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