Saturday, May 6, 2017

Italy: Salerno Day 1

We left Rome and headed way South to Salerno. After dropping our stuff off and heading out for food and a little walk around the town, we headed South again to the ancient site of Paestum. This was an ancient city that still has a lot of remains. It is most famous for its three large temples which date from 600-450 BCE. There is also a museum at the site.
The train we took from Rome to Salerno. It was pretty nice. 

Salerno. Some nice mountains.

Museum at Paestum.

Ajax falling on his sword.

Temple to Athena at Paestum site.



A little lizard


A pool to catch rain water

Mosaic floors

Temple to Neptune

Temple to Hera

Inside the Temple to Hera

Bob outside the Temple to Neptune.

Inside the Temple to Neptune.

Greek Ekklesia.

Since I posted so many pics with Bob cameos here are a few of me. I made Bob take this one of me peeking through a hole.

Strutting down the ancient road.

Using me for scale for the Temple to Neptune.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Amazing site with lots of awesome artifacts!
