Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Crete: Sitia Museum, Zakros, Palaikastro, Petras

Our third day in Crete was full of more Minoan (meaning during the Bronze Age) sites. We first visited the Sitia Museum which contains the finds from the sites we visited.

This is a burial urn that contains cremated remains.

A cremation oven.

A section of the upper jawbone of a pygmy hippopotamus.

Then we went to Zakros, which was a Minoan Palace.

I wonder what's under that staircase?
Oh, it's just me.


Next was Palaikastro, a Minoan town.

This place was under a lot of water... I think this is where the Willy Wonka chocolate lake taps in from.

The final stop was Petras, a Minoan town and Palace.

I guess I lied about the final stop. I can't find this on our schedule, but I have some pictures of Itanos - or landscape shots anyway.

When you're a dumpster but still majestic.

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