Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Italy: Rome day 1

We arrived in Rome today and walked around the city for 5 hours. My feet are tired, my throat hurts from all the smoke, I saw a nun eating an ice cream cone, I loved all the fountains, and all in all it was a good day.
The order of my pictures got all messed up, so just go with it.
Mausoleum of Augustus

Modern Art Museum. Bob and I got in here for free. One of the center pieces in a room was a urinal.

Part of the Villa Borghese area. Temple of Aesculapius.

I did an awful job of taking this pic, but I couldn't see because of the sun. Egyptian obelisk.

The city

Trevi fountain

Trevi fountain


Ate this Italian pizza. Was not impressed.

Castel di St. Angelo

Guys dressed up take a picture with you for money. I wouldn't recommend as it is a little shady.

Side pic of the Castel


Pope and priest calendars.

Supreme Court

Court from the side

Some cool looking church.

The Altar of Peace of Augustus.

The Mausoleum again.

More of the Trevi fountain. I loved it.

Play where's Waldo. 

Someone took a horse carriage to the fountain.

These were all the peeps loving on the fountain. It was crazy.

LS, I thought you'd like this store, so I took a pic.


  1. Why are the role playing guys so sketchy?

    1. After you take pictures with them they ask for money and then tell you more money after you give them some.

  2. Also why does it say something about "Time Is Out of Joint" on the steps of the Modern Art Museum??
