Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fanny packs and the Periptero

When I was packing for Greece, I was all ready to bring my fanny pack when my favorite sister told me that I couldn't do that and she bought me a nice shoulder bag instead. Apparently, fanny packs are not a cool thing to wear, but I find them to be super convenient, so I own two. However, I decided that I didn't want to stick out, so I would not bring my fanny packs. Upon arriving in Greece, I soon realized at least 50% of the population are wearing fanny packs (although mostly men). The peripteros, which are kiosks that sell things even have loads of fanny packs for sale. They are definitely a thing here. I managed to get a few pictures but I was probably a creeper.
You'll notice that the cool style is to wear it across the shoulder.

These are jus some man purses, which are also very common.

Here is a collection at the periptero.
 I took a few more pictures of peripteros so you can see what types of things they sell. These are very plentiful in Greece and convenient for stopping to grab a water or an ice cream treat.

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