Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Naxos Day 2: Filoti, Mt Zeus, and Apeiranthos

Today Bob and I got up early and boarded a bus to another town called Filoti. From there we did a 5km hike up Mt Zeus, which is the highest point in the Cyclades Islands of Greece. It was a steep and rocky climb, but it had a great view. On the way down we stopped by the Cave of Zeus which is a possible location for the birthplace of Zeus. After lunch in Filoti we popped on over to Aperianthos, which claims to be a town untouched by tourism. I thought it looked a lot like Hydra in the sense that the streets were only pedestrian besides the one passing by the town.
The start of our hike. On the left hand side in the middle of the pic there is a white horse. I though that was a good omen for a climb up a mountain.

Lots of sheep and goats on the mountain.

Me at the entrance to the cave of Zeus taken by Bob, who is inside. I thought it was scary and didn't want to go in.

This was all the farther I went in.

Bob deeper inside the cave.

 I keep trying to take these beautiful videos and then Bob talks during them. Today, he had me laughing so hard I was crying.

The following are pictures taken at Aperianthos.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Naxos is the largest of the Cyclades islands in Greece. We arrived last night at about 10:40pm from our ferry and didn't do anything but go to sleep. This morning we went to the castle area, an archaeological museum, and a Temple to Apollo. Then after lunch we walked to a 1km long beach which is known as the best beach in Naxos and some argue the best in all of Greece. I have to admit it was very beautiful. A day well spent.
The port when we arrived last night, all lit up. I accidentally uploaded this upside down I think.

View from our accommodation.

Pig vessel at the museum.

Mark Antony holding a little Maenad.

Man holding a dead bird out to his dog. This reminded me of Bob and Ajax.


View of the town from the castle area.

This street reminded me of a cow.
The Temple to Delian Apollo.

The following pictures are views from the area of the Temple to Apollo.

Naxos Town from the temple.

 The following are pictures of our walk to the beach and the beach, Agios Prokopios, itself.