Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pella Museum

The Pella Museum houses the finds from the Pella site located near by. The main exhibition has finds concerning the daily lives of Pella's inhabitants. One thematic grouping's main objects on display are the mosaics floors from the Houses of Dionysus and the Abduction of Helen set in the floor, and the wall decoration from the House of the Wall Plasters. The display cases show finds that provide information on furnishings, clothing, personal adornment, shrines, exercise, education, and amusements.
Another grouping has the public life as the theme displaying finds from the Agora and are connected with administrative institutions (seals for documents, inscriptions, coins, and monumental sculpture) and production and commercial activities (vases for storing and transporting wine, oil, etc.; molds for vessels and terracotta figurines; and equipment from pottery and metal working workshops).
A third thematic display is on the city's cemeteries. There are two burials on display with their grave goods as well as display cases containing grave goods from Pella's cemeteries.

The Pella Museum
mosaic - The Abduction of Helen


drinking vessel

figurines and their molds

terracotta figurine

Each section of this is a separate grave finding. These are all findings from men's graves.

Findings from women's graves.
lead tablet

A copy of the lead tablet above, so you can see the inscription.

The translation of the inscription.

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