Thursday, November 10, 2016


Dodona is an archaeological site in Epiros. Located here were a theater, temples, a stadium, and an oracle. The sanctuary of Zeus and Dione at Dodona was an oracle second in fame to Delphi and was in use for 1500 years stopping somewhere in the 4th century.
the theater here is one of the largest known in antiquity

it seats 17,000-18,000 spectators

there are 55 rows of seats

9 wedges of seats

three tiers of seats

a channel around the orchestra for draining water

a retaining wall was built around the theater's perimeter

the stadium

the stadium track is estimated to have been 200 m long
Both the theater and the stadium are associated with the Naia, a festival in honor of Zeus Naios. The festival consisted of games for nude athletes, dramatic contests (performances of tragedies and comedies), possibly musical contests, horse races and chariot races.

Athens note:
We are having a Thanksgiving here, which I guess ends up being over 100 people and they have 11 turkeys. Each person who attends is expected to bring a dish. We had to sign up for something, and I picked dessert. Then I realize, everything I want to make, I'm not sure if I can get the ingredients for in Athens or I don't know where to go. I spent about 2-3 hours out today in four different stores and got almost everything, but I am going to do a test run because nothing is exactly what I wanted. For example white chocolate bar instead of almond bark and choco rice instead of rice crispies.

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